Monday 8 March 2010

Finance, Mortgage Update March 2010

We feel that banks are slowly relaxing their lending criteria. We are starting to see one or two banks offering more attractive deals and higher LTV's(Loan-To-Value. However, banks are still being cautious when it comes to assessing a client's affordability. Most banks use a debt/income ratio of either 35% or 40%, although we work with one bank that uses 50%. This really helps those clients who struggle to get mortgages elsewhere due to having a higher ratio of regular outgoings on mortgages, loans, credit cards etc. to net disposable income (the "debt/income ratio").

The eurozone base rate has remained at 1% for some time now, meaning that borrowing in Spain is still cheap. With the recovery in Germany faltering and ongoing problems in the so-called PIIGS group of countries (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain), it is very unlikely that there will be a sudden hike in rates.

With regards to the exchange rate, this is more or less the same as last month. Please remember we can offer the dual-currency mortgage, which allows your clients to pay the mortgage in pounds sterling and avoid any currency fluctuations.

This post was supplied by Mortgage Direct.

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