Thursday 10 January 2008

History of the Belén

In many villages and towns the Belén (nativity scene) is a special focal point, they can be set up in town squares or beside a church. In some villages just the main characters are represented in the story of the birth of Jesus, in Xativa a small village is erected in the main Avenida. A pond with water wheel, ducks and geese, are always a favourite with the youngsters as well as the other animals including a camel.

According to legend the first Belén is thought to have taken place on Christmas Eve in 1223 in a cave in a little Italian town called Greccio, St Francis on his pilgrimage to holy places set up a living representation of the birth of Christ, including an ox and donkey. Legend has it that it was so cold a doll was used to represent the baby Jesus, and at the moment of the birth the doll shed tears.

The first Belén on record was created in Florence in 1289 by Arnolfo di Cambio, part of the original scene is preserved in Rome. During the XIV and XV centuries, churches throughout Italy were decorated with elaborate nativity scenes created by famous artists of the day including Andrea della Robbia.

Franciscan monks introduced the Belén to Spain in the XV century. The oldest surviving being the XVI century Belén de Coral. It is kept in the Monasterio de las Delcalzas Reales in Madrid, and is made of coral, bronze and silver.

Carlos III had a Belén created for his son Carlos IV, which had more than 200 figures created by Valencian artists José Estévez Bonet, José Ginés Marín and Mucian artist Salzillo. This Belén is known as El Belén del Principe, and many of the figutres are preserved in the Royal Palace.

The Murcian artist Salzillo, became the the farther of this craft of creating Beléns in Spain; a craft which is continued to this day by skilled artists, if you are Spain at Christmas time search out as many as possible for areal Christmas treat.

These photo's are the copyright of Custom-4u Spanish Properties.

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